Anime and Video Game News Site/Convention Panel Group


Pokemon X and Y


Guess what? More Pokemon! A LOT MORE!

Generation 6 is officially announced! More info later…but for now, watch the latest announcement above!

Taiyou-Con 2013 Results


Taiyou-Con was last weekend and I had an absolute blast at this convention! Our newest panels, “Salute to Fanservice” and “Waifu-ism and You” were huge successes and we had loads and loads of fun with everyone who turned out for this convention! Everyone was enlightened with Brian’s BAYMAN story and we even got to meet Cristina Vee, Lauren Landa and Sonny Strait. I even got my chest signed by Chris Guerrero (poor guy never signed anyone’s boobs before and I agreed to change that)! Big, BIG thanks to the guests who were willing to answer our questions and take pics with us!

Panty and Stocking

Matt-Suda looking pretty pumped! You've got no idea how fast my heart was beating at this point! chest is still signed! Sonny with Brian's wrenches me and Sonny Project Nailbat with Saeko Bushijima

If you missed us at Taiyou, (while it’s not officially confirmed) me and the others are planning to attend Con-nichiwa this March. However in the meantime, you can watch our Youtube videos on our channel and like us on Facebook. Also, make sure to check out Brian’s (IRONHOOF) blog “Lost in the Overworld” for even more content in between our convention appearances. Once again, big thanks to Taiyou-Con for having us hold panels, Cristina Vee, Chris Guerrero, Lauren Landa and Sonny Strait for the great memories, and especially you guys out there who come to our panels. Without you, we’d just be four guys sitting in a room for hours at a time just talking to ourselves!

Taiyou-Con 2013

Taiyou-Con is here again everyone and we’re gonna be there at conning in up with everyone there! So come up and see our panels, play our games, and join in on our various discussions that we’re planning to have! It’s gonna be a lot of fun, so you don’t want to miss it.

Hotel/Convention info:

The Return of Duane & BrandO

Youtube musical artists Duane & BrandO are trying to once again get back into the scene with starting a Kickstarter to raise enough money to go on a tour and perform for fans to attend. The Kickstarter can be viewed here and has only a little less than three days before it closes. As it stands right now, they have less than 400 backers and currently have $20,000 our of the goal of $35,000 they are asking for from their fans.


For anyone who doesn’t know, Duane & BrandO are two guys who write songs about favorite video games such as their well known Megaman 2 song, or their Final Fantasy I song.

Mercedes Benz Commercial by Production I.G.

Be sure to activate the subtitles in the video

Evangelion 3.0 Teaser!

A teaser trailer for Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo was released…confirming a release date exactly one month from now on November 17th in theaters in Japan.

Long Overdue Update: A lot of stuff happened…

Been a while since I updated the site, been busy with a lot of stuff…(DOA5 released, editing videos, playing DOA5, getting a new capture device, going online in DOA5, watching anime, playing DOA5 with friends, catching up on movies that I’ve been meaning to see, playing DOA 5 by myself and all sorts of things…like playing DOA5) But I’m gonna hopefully rectify that right now with an update…before I go back and play Dead or Alive 5.

In case you’ve been ignoring the site for the past several weeks of just skipped over the entire first paragraph, Dead or Alive 5 is finally out and I’ve been playing the hell out of that game. In my opinion, it’s the best one in the series. Aside from the fickle net coding at times, the game is very solid. great visuals, tons of unlockables, better story (could still use work with some of the plot holes, but still better) and it makes the previous versions of Dead or Alive all but completely obsolete. I cannot get enough of this game!In collaboration news, I was a guest on ByteSizeGaming’s podcast last week. ByteSizeGaming for those who don’t know is a gaming news site ran by a friend of mine and he and the others over there were gracious enough to have me on their talk show. Check out the link here to watch the podcast and get some insight from a group of gamers about a variety of topics.

Keeping with the theme of Youtube theme; several videos were released on our Youtube channel. The videos we played were Tony Hawk HD, Worms 2: Armageddon, Dead or Alive 5 (surprise surprise),  as well as Mario Party 9. You can either watch each episode at our Youtube channel linked here, or you could watch them all here which I will put up as separate posts later.

Dead or Alive 5 Watch: Mila

Two weeks from today is Dead or Alive 5! While there’s very little else to announce about the game before the release that hasn’t already been announced yet officially by Team Ninja, there is in fact one more character that hasn’t been officially revealed.

A few screens have surfaced before now, but there was recently a video featuring the new character, Mila in a scene in story mode as well as some gameplay featuring her. Her background seems to be that she’s a waitress with an MMA fighting style.

Granted the video’s subtitles and menus are in French, all of the dialogue is in English, so at least we can understand at least half of what’s going on. The game’s story mode is filled with bonus objectives that you can complete during the story which can be seen like a featured tutorial that helps the player learn the game kind of how Dead or Alive Dimensions had for the Nintendo 3DS, allowing players to learn the game while wasting little time delving into the game’s story mode.  Completing these objectives gives you titles like Street Fighter IV or more notably Persona 4 Arena that you can call yourself for other players to see. The more challenges you complete, the more titles and hidden challenges you can unlock which in turn can give you even more titles to name yourself.

The game drops in two weeks on September 25th. Get ready to fight!

EDIT: Litterally the MINUTE I finished writing this, this video was launched!

Saboten Con 2012

Project Nailbat is making a return to Saboten Con in just 14 daysthis year. Take a look at our list of events that we’re gonna be running at the convention and make sure if you’re in the area you come on down and see us!

Project Nailbat Plays…Persona 4 Arena

New video is up. We finally sit down and play the much anticipated Persona 4: Arena! Watch Nailbat go against Matt-suda while he complains about the game is fixed just like all of the others!

Tekken Tag Tournament: Xtreme Swimsuit Edition

Looks like Namco is trying to prove to Tecmo that the characters in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 can look good in bikinis and swimsuits just like Tecmo’s characters in Dead or Alive. Only to take it a step further, it looks like the male cast of Tekken is participating as well. If you pre-order Tekken Tag Tournament 2, then you’ll get a bikini pack that comes with over 100 swimsuits you can use to customize your characters with.

Of course…Tecmo recently released this video showcasing a few of the things available to you if you pre-order Dead or Alive 5…

Swapnote Me Maybe

If you like Nintendo, have a 3DS and feel some type of way about Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” (So many people love it, but I’m sure that for every one person who loves it, some one out there is sick of hearing the song 9 times in a row every time they turn on a radio…) Then check out Streetpass Arizona‘s rendition of the song, “Swapnote Me Maybe”

New Video: Tekken 6

The latest video is now up on Project Nailbat’s Youtube channel. This week’s game is Tekken 6…Nailbat vs Mikeymania rematch. The video will be added to the Videos page as well, or you can just watch the new video below.

Panty and Stocking Full Episodes on Youtube

To help promote the North American release of the show, Funimation has put up the first two episodes of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt on Youtube. The episodes are available in English and as long as you sign into Youtube and prove you’re old enough to view mature content (or just have an account that says you’re old enough) then you can watch the entire episodes for free.

The DVD and Blu-Ray of the show is now available, so if you liked the episodes and wanted to watch more, then you can go online and buy the complete series of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt for around $50.

1st Video: Super Mario Bros. Wii

If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the first of many videos from Project Nailbat: Project Nailbat Plays… First video is New Super Mario Bros. Wii.  Me and HazMatt play thorough most of World 1 and there’s plenty of “fun” had at the expense of each other.

This video is the first official video of our Youtube channel. If you wanna see some of the other things we have planned, take a look at our teaser trailer below. If you liked either video, like and subscribe to our channel to keep up on any new videos we put up. I’m gonna try to have a new video at least once a week.

Dead or Alive 5 Watch: E3 and Collector’s Edition

I’m actually a bit behind on my DOA 5 Watch, but there is in fact some more news since I last updated. The E3 trailer for the game shows off more of the game as well, as new characters, Kokoro and Sarah Bryant from Virtua Fighter.  On top of that, second build of the game was made available to the attendants at E3 and a tournament was held with the newer build which has seen several changes since the alpha demo was released for the people who pre-ordered Ninja Gaiden 3 (most notably the power moves and Hitomi’s face).

When interviewed about the game by video game news crews like IGN or Gamespot, the man representing Team Ninja and Tecmo Koei didn’t do a very good job at selling the game. At times he seemed to not fully understand what was even in the game, but the videos you can fine online of the tournaments could do all of the work for him anyway. The game looks amazing for an incomplete fighter. Every character has brand new moves in his or her repertoire which makes every fight look like something out of a well-choreographed martial arts movie. IGN Pro League was in charge of the tournament, which hosted several pro DOA tournament players.

But all of that was back at E3. Earlier today Tecmo Koei revealed the Dead or Alive 5 Collector’s Edition. The collector’s edition comes with a hardcover book, soundtrack of the game and a special steel case for the game, all for $79.99. Anyone who pre-orders the game will also get a handful of costumes for free, regardless if it’s for the collector’s edition or the standard edition. Downside to that is that it’s one of those, “based on where you pre-order the game from” deals. Pre-order the game from Gamestop and you’ll get bunny swimsuits for Hitomi, Kasumi and Leifang whereas pre-ordering it from Amazon and you’ll get “DOA Devils”(whatever that is?) swimsuits for Ayane, Tina and Christie.

Later this weekend, some more new characters and possibly a new trailer will be on the DOA 5 main site (according to the DOA 5 Facebook page) So hopefully I’ll be able to continue the Dead or Alive 5 watch from there.

Youtube Page LIVE

In case anyone was wondering, this is the reason why the site hasn’t really been updating as often as it should be…

With this launch video, Project Nailbat’s Youtube channel is now live! Stay tuned for more videos in the upcoming weeks!

Norton Security: As Seen By Japan

Is this commercial enough for me to switch my anti-virus program? Probably not, but it’s still funny either way! Make sure you turn on subtitles for this video

New Trailer For Dead or Alive 5: Two New Characters Revealed

Earlier today, a new trailer was released for Dead or Alive 5 revealing a new stage and two more characters in the upcoming game. The assassins Christie and Bayman are fighting in the new Hotzone stage, with is directly in the middle of a city riddled with soldiers, bullets and falling helicopters. Why would Christie and Bayman be fighting in the middle of a war zone is beyond guess, although if you actually care enough to know about DOA’s story, you wouldn’t fine it hard to believe.

After everything we’ve seen from the Alpha demo a few months ago, it’s nice to see more characters and a new stages that doesn’t seem to be as small as the previous two stages seemed before. Dead or Alive 5 is currently scheduled to come out September 2012

Source [SRK]

Seriously…What The Hell, Internet?!

Ever go on youtube and see a link and just ask yourself “But…why?!” only to find yourself clicking on it and moments later discovering that it’s actually not really that bad…pretty good even? Well I just had that feeling with the video above. There are dozens of these anime/music mash ups all over Youtube…and a lot of them are really good! The one above is by psycosis91, in case you didn’t know, it’s a mash up of A Certian Magical Index‘s OP, Masterpiece and Cee-lo Green’s Bright Lights Bigger City. The one below is by nakinyko and it’s a cross by Jay-Z‘s Dirt off Your Shoulder and Durarara!! OP, Uragiri no Yuuyake.

Another one of nakinyko’s creations, Diamonds are Forever and Listen!!

There’s too many of these things that I really loved to put onto the site, but take a look at both Nakinyko‘s and Psycosis91 channels for more mash-ups!